The Clever Ruse

I swear this is not my crazy person manifesto- hear me out first.

I have become nauseated by social media and the world’s narrative in general. We have been conditioned, lied to, and manipulated since the dawn of our country. The powers that be have been playing the American people as fools, and while in most cases we have happily gone along with the ruse, more recently, people are becoming more aware and frustrated like me.

I am tired of the consumerism. I am tired of not being able to afford basic needs and the cost of living being so astronomically high that we have to work to survive and not enjoy our lives. I am tired of being constantly sick and feeling like crap due to processed, poisonous food and the food industry. I am tired of sub par health care and doctors who just want to throw a pill at me or tell me I’m fine when my hair is falling out and I’m constantly exhausted but my blood work is fine so they don’t know anything. I pay co-pays and ridiculous insurance premiums for ‘I don’t know’ from a person who went to school for eight to ten years?

And if I don’t see the repetitive rhetoric of ‘the sky is falling’ and ‘everyone in power is evil and corrupt’, I see every other post on social media telling me to buy something or an over sexualized influencer lying to my face about a product they get commission on, or selling theirselves along with their souls for cheap, temporary thrill.

There is no integrity. There is only carefully, or in some cases sloppily, constructed narratives of people who think their opinion is important telling you how to think and what to feel.

We have stepped fully into the Orwellian world where we just blindly go by- happy that our technology monitors us, mines our data, sells it to the highest bidder, and easily believe everything we see. Which in perspective with all the recent AI technology, is terrifying.

I keep feeling this pressure- this prod and poke on my soul that evil is more apparent than ever. I see it in everything. The underlying soul sucking purpose of evil intentions by people who have sold their soul for fame, fortune, and the world. I see the greed and the corruption, and I’m generally done with as well as confused as to why people act the way they do.

I am so, so tired. My soul hurts. The lack of good intention and authenticiy in people breaks my heart and makes me feel so, so lonely at times. And in all reality I know it’s because the world is inherently evil. I know it’s because we have become a broken people with no true bonds to other human beings. That we have become desensitized to the pain of others and apathetic to all things.

This is the slow death to the empathetic. It’s where we slowly suffocate under the feelings of not only ourselves but of others. Where we shoulder the pains and the hurts and the anger of others and feel the injustices and protective instincts and revenge for the ones who have never gotten it. People are currently detached and jaded.

This is the slow decent into madness for those with the spirit of discernment. Who see the farce of evil all around them and are telling for people to wake up however they are to glued to their phones to listen. So busy looking down at 5 inches of screen to see the world burning around them.

I constantly ask God what is going on. And sometimes he tells me. Sometimes he says to wait, to hold on. Because if you aren’t the light in the darkness- where else will people flock to? They’ll wander further into the dark, the deep, and they’ll drown.

But I can only do so much. There’s only to many life rafts on the ship of Life.

Now of days the only thought I think of is, how well can you swim in shark infested waters?

My Journey Continues-


Published by KDBerry

Hello world. I have no idea what I am doing, but do any of us? Follow me as I try to figure it out.

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